The development of the Băile Tușnad and Surroundings ecoturistical destination is the result of our ongoing activities here at the ACCENT GeoEcological Organization. During the years we have developed the touristic infrastructure (thematic paths, bicycle routes, mineral springs renovation) and also we made nice and useful materials, like the ecotourism map of the region.

From 01.08.2023, the Project Bag Association became the Destination Management Unit (UMD) taking over the management of the Băile Tușnad and Surroundings ecotourism destination, including the Natura 2000 site Bazinul Ciucului de Jos with the overlapping botanical reserves, the Natura 2000 site and the natural reserves Lacul Sfânta Ana and Tinovul Mohoș, the Piatra Șoimilor reserve, the town of Băile Tușnad and the communes of Tușnad, Cozmeni, Sânsimion, Sântimbru, Sâncraieni.
This initiative is started within the program “Green Entrepreneurship 4.0 – Development of ecotourism destinations in Romania”, a project through which we want to “Attract active tourists to the ecotourism destination Băile Tușnad and Surroundings”.

By implementing the proposed activities, we want at the end of the project to have an ecotourism destination with improved functionality and sustainability, which will attract and satisfy the need for knowledge and experience of the segment of active and responsible tourists and contribute in the long term to the conservation and the sustainable exploitation of the destination’s natural and cultural heritage. At the same time, we want a UMD with improved financial sustainability, even independent.


destination manager

György Leonárd

activities coordinator

Sántha Emese